- my sister Sarah getting home from India!
- overdosing on Dutch Blitz (this is a card game)
- coffees and lunches and sleepovers with friends
- Narnia and Harry Potter (and many other movies)
- watersliding with Christine and Dan
- watching Baliwood movies with Sarah
- us three sisters getting our hair cut and looking HOT (see picture)
- playing piano at Erik and Yuriko’s wedding on New Year’s Eve
- great talks and encouragement from Rachel
- finishing “Pilgrim at Tinker Creek” and starting “Angels and Demons”

- trying on Sarah’s sari
- crazy sleepover with my small group girls (see picture)
- the two Christmas Eve candlelight services
- hearing my dad preach again
- discovering that my brother Daniel can sing
- playing piano to Christine’s singing again, and playing our famous duets.
- taking pictures of beautiful Saskatoon with Christine (I’ve included a couple)
- learning about Superman, thanks to Don
- learning about myself, thanks to Christine and Rachel.

- a very different, and very special Christmas day on the 28th, my first time not opening presents in the morning
- answering two common questions from Saskatoon friends and acquaintances: I have found neither a husband, nor a specific direction for my life so far at Regent.
- hearing from some of my American extended family members
- eating Christmas dinner with Christine’s family, and realizing what a different dynamic there is when there are three brothers and one sister, instead of the other way around!
- putting more thought into what to do with my life, and more specifically,

- not having to cook
- buying pants without holes in them
- remembering how to drive, especially on Saskatoon’s icy streets
- Christine forcing me to drive on Saskatoon’s icy (not to mention blizzardy and deer-infested) streets
- doing puzzles with Mom and Daniel, and, during a brief and uncharacteristic blitz, with Rachel.
- seeing Rachel in her children’s play, playing the part of a 9 year old boy.
- playing Daniel’s Indian drum, Riverdance style.
I went for a drive with Christine last night (on Saskatoon’s icy, blizzardy… you get the point). Luckily, we survived, and we even had a great conversation. Isn’t driving great for conversations? I think it’s because you’re both facing forward and there’s no awkward silences – silences are sort of OK. Anyway, we talked about our friendship (which was incredible) but also about our future dreams. For the first time, I shared out loud an idea I had about what to do with my life, one that I’ve never seen as feasible, but, thanks to her encouragement and challenge, I’m reconsidering. It’s very scary and I’ve been second-guessing myself all day. But at least I’ve put it into words. I’m not going to tell you what it is. But I do want to continue the conversation. Once again I want to ask you to participate in this, if you’d like. Please, even if you've never left a comment before, this is your chance to help me, and give it a try. Here are your options:
- Leave me a comment (or if you prefer, send me an e-mail) with something you could see me doing with my life, vocationally, from what you know of me. This is not a test of how well you know me – it’s more like a brainstorming session. I need help in solidifying who I am and what my passions are. I'd love it if God used your input to spark my imagination and help me consider things I haven't thought of yet.
- If you know my best friend Christine or my sister Rachel, would you please also leave a similar comment about what you see them as being capable of doing vocationally. They haven’t asked me to do this, but both of them are asking the same questions I am, and I’m sure they’d be interested in hearing your ideas too.
- If you prefer, just leave me a comment or e-mail offering me any advice you might have in this area. Maybe, if you are a grown-up, or just ahead of the game, you could let me know how God led you to choose a particular area of work. Anything you can offer me.

My last few days in Saskatoon will mostly consist of coffee (although I don’t drink coffee), trying to appreciate my family and friends as much as possible before I go, and practicing with the boys for Boycott Scott’s CD Release concert at the Bassment. If you live in Saskatoon, you’d better be there. Friday the 13th.
So that’s it; I’ll post again once I’m in Vancouver. I’m looking forward to getting back into a routine again, and I’m excited about my classes and seeing Regent friends. But it’s sure going to be tough to leave here. I'm keenly aware of how much I love everyone I've seen in the last few weeks.
Danice, I know I’m supposed to be the responsible roommate, but I need to remind you that I forgot my keys to our house. So leave a door open for me on Sunday night, please and thank you.

umm hello? zero comments??? you guys are supposed to be telling us what to do with our lives!
I have no answers for you, sorry.
But I think you're both beautiful, lovely, wonderful young ladies. I love you both. I hope you have oodles of joy figuring these answers out!
Hey Beth-
I heard a rumor from my husband that as a part of your wonderful life plans, you might need a summer job that pays... check out the employment section of http://www.drsawhiteshell.ca/ . You're uber-qualified to be a tutor, but the real money's in being res staff. :) Make me a reference if you apply... I think they like me.
Ok, Beth... about what to do with your life.. i'm truely not sure just like i have no clue what to do with my life.. just, be yourself (thats all i know :S ) and pray and ask god what he has in mind for you. He always has sumthing in-store for you, and being a multi-talented malena which you are will make it easier. With acidemics (sorry about the spelling) which are really good.. if that makes any sense. The point is your an amazing person be yourself and god will grant you with a 'task' or well job i guess you could call it. Remember to live every moment for God, on earth because we aren't here permently only temporarly. I love you!
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