Saskatoon is quite used to me by now, and I’m getting used to it. I’m re-learning the vehicular art of pothole avoidance. I’m remembering what prairie wind is like, how it blows up the sand covering the road, until the convoy of street cleaners sweep it away. I’m remembering the familiar itch of mosquito bites. I’m remembering what it feels like to sit up late with Rachel, or Daniel, or Dad, and watch some TV show that we probably don’t really even care about, just enjoying each other’s company (except last night – a National Geographic show about anteaters, armadillos and sloths that I really did care about). I’m remembering the warmth of actually sitting around the table with my family and eating a meal together, and how refreshing it is to laugh with them. I’m remembering the joy of singing with Chris in the car, making her laugh, and telling corny jokes just so she’ll give me that disapproving, eye-rolling, why-did-I-ever-agree-to-be-best-friends-with-you look that I love. I’m settling back into my room and loving the glow-in-the-dark stars I forgot I had put around the perimeter, near the ceiling, and around the door, arranged in true-to-life constellations. Next time it’s clear, I really need to drive out of town with my big heavy binoculars (different from the ones I look at birds with) and remind myself of what the real stars look like. After all, that’s what Saskatchewan’s good for.
I mourn the loss of my Rock. I suppose it will still be there when I get back – it’s too big to move. Still, it’s challenging, finding a new place to meet God every day. I need continuity or I struggle to do it every morning. I’ve settled on Rachel’s window seat. The only problem is that I can’t see the birds from there. But I can hear them. Maybe I’ll have to get really good at listening to them this month, while my eyes are deprived.
My job with Robin in the craft room has been a blast so far. I do a lot of letter writing, e-mail writing, phone calling, talking to people over coffee, and entering registrations into the system. Then at 4:30, I go home, and leave it all behind. No homework. No worries. It’s nice. I am starting to think about camp, and what my job will be up there when camp starts, at the end of June. I think I’m going to have to re-learn how to pray. I pretty much get to spend the whole summer encouraging the female cabin leaders and praying for them. I’m pumped.

Today I watched the dress rehearsal of a fantastic play Rachel’s in: Bridge to Terebithia. I remember reading it as a kid, in school, but I couldn’t remember what happened. She was the best bully ever. Their opening show is right now – I can’t wait until I get to usher on Thursday night and see it again. So to all you Saskatonians – don’t miss it – it’s at Castle Theatre all week, get your tickets today!
I read “Da Vinci Code”. The “facts” Brown presented made me mad, of course – especially after all the stuff I’ve been learning in CTC about the early history of Christianity – but the plot itself was awesome. I couldn’t put it down. I’m excited for the movie, except Tom Hanks’ hair in the preview looks like a small animal. Speaking of movies about Christianity, I watched a crazy old-school one last week: Godspell. Wow. I couldn’t quite get my head around it. Maybe you had to live through the 70s, or smoke a bunch of pot, just to understand it . . . Jesus with a fro, face paint, and clown shoes ? (Yes,

I will finish this lazily rolling-along mundane sort of blog with an uncharacteristic bang – a momentous occasion in the life of our family. Today, my little sister Sarah (Danice – this is the Calgary India one) got engaged to be married to one Nicolas Hawkins today!! This means that before I return to Vancouver, I will have a new brother-in-law! They will be married in the last weekend of August, in or near Calgary somewhere. This is very soon. It still seems a little surreal as I type it. I get to be a bridesmaid! Rachel and I are equally close sisters to her, so I don’t think she’s singling one of us out as maid of honor. That’s cool with me. I guess this means I shouldn’t shave all my hair off this summer…
(Sorry, Sarah, this is the best picture I have of you. Aw... Daniel... remember when your hair was that color?)
you tell that sarah that i sewnd many congratulations!!! many indeed.
Love kate
niiice! i'm happy for people who get to go to weddings that are extra special to them. i have two weddings to go to this summer. both my friends, both quite young. but that's gotta be exciting... happy dress-shopping!
P.S. Piano-player-Beth, i have some requests... have you played piano for any weddings? or have anything for that? cuz i think i'm gonna change my mind and tell my friend i can indeed play for her wedding...but as usual, i'm nervous about it... h-e-l-p?
For sure. I will hook you up. Maybe when we have coffee this week... if you want to...
Also, I re-read the blog and realized my last picture sort of looked like I was showing a picture of the happy couple - but it's Sarah and MY BROTHER, ok? That's not Nick. I wish I had a picture of Nick. I will try for next time.
hahha... thanx beth. i hope by this time i'd recognize your brother, and if not him personally, then a family resemblance or something to clue me in. but coffee sounds good...as soon as i get these Doukhobors off my chest and into my history teacher.
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