I’m not going to pretend that things aren’t hard relationally right now, both at camp and at home. I feel confused and sad about a lot of things, and I wonder if I’m dealing with them in the right way. I’m learning (slowly) how to give things to God instead of letting them pile up on my back, but I tend to want to take them back from Him and worry about them again. Still, with all of this stuff going on, I’ve been given several beautiful moments, undeserved, like being asked for the first time to baptize someone! Yesterday I got to baptize Jordan McGillivray, one of our junior staff members, in the waters of Christopher Lake, and it was an awesome feeling of joy mixed with responsibility. Lucas got to baptize Cheesi, too. Here are some pictures Rachel took…

In the words of Red Green, "I'm pullin' for you. We're all in this together."
wowsers...look at what i missed out on..i'm so happy for both of them-pass it on..:) beth, i was just writing a postcard for all you guys tonite...cept i think it blew away when i dropped everything to go for a midnight swim in the pool of the house we're staying in.. i had like, the BEST DAY OF MY LIFE today, beth...sighhhh... i was writing all about it..hearst castle..lunch on the coast.. walk on the beach..mountain drive... okay, i'll just have to describe it later, but yeah, hi from the both of us... have a gooooood week this week... i'm praying for you and whatever it is you're having a tough time with.. and the camp... say hi to anyone i know... everyone i guess..:P..postcard to come...
love joy and peace
Wow! That is so amazing that you got to baptize someone! It sounds like God is working in great ways at the Quest!
Don't forget what James says in chapter 4:8.
Love Robynn
Hey Robynn,
I found your secret note of encouragement in my bag several weeks ago, just when I needed it most, which I'm sure is how you would have wanted it. Thank you so much! I wish I could get to know you better than I do from that short week of MDT and the things your friends tell me. You strike me as a pure and sincere person, full of integrity and passion lived out for God.
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