Life this week… I haven’t felt very productive. I’ve been sick to my stomach for half of the week, and it’s persisting today. I don’t really know what the issue is. The first day, I thought it had something to do with the previous day’s meals of McDonalds for lunch and double chocolate muffin mix pancakes for supper. However I don’t think the effects of those poor dietary choices would last 4 days. Also, I stayed up all night on Friday, praying for the world. Regent has an annual Pray for the World All-Nighter. It was excellent, but I don’t think it helped my health to disrupt my sleep patterns to that extent. This morning at church I was feeling quite impatient and short-tempered. Not very Christianly of me.
As for the work situation, the typist-for-Jewish-string-theorist thing really didn’t work out…funny story. I called him, and he wanted to meet at The Bay, at Customer Service. Hmm. Assuming his office must be located above the Bay, I met him there. He was an old man wearing a dirty suit and an alligator-skin cowboy hat. I soon discovered that he was not Prof. E. Rabinovici, string theorist, but Prof. M. Rabinovici, former business professor, just how “former” I don’t know. He took me to a seedy internet café so I could show him my skills by using Microsoft Word to try to exactly reproduce text fonts and layouts from cover pages from his books (no clue what this accomplished). He was basically one of the most rude and racist people I’ve met, ordering me around and smirking at me. Needless to say, I declined the job and hoped never to see him again. I have since applied at the coffee shop and a temp agency, and I have yet to hear anything. But it’s good, I see God working through it all. He’s giving me humility and the grace to accept when people want to help me. My landlords heard about my trouble, and very graciously gave me back my damage deposit until I can find a job. And people have been treating me to meals and inviting me over… it’s a good learning experience, being on the receiving end of grace and generosity.
So I’m learning the morse code. Yes, that’s right, the morse code. Why, you ask? To communicate with my roommates, who are also learning it, of course! At any given moment, you can hear beeping dits and dahs coming from our laptops. We’ve become rather obsessed with the TV show Alias, I’m afraid. We have watched two wonderful seasons of it together on DVD. (Oh, you crafty DVD box sets! How you lure us in! How easy it is to watch two, three, four episodes…no commercials…it’s only 40 minutes long…) This inundation of spy and CIA material has led us to believe that the morse code may one day come in handy. For example, if a bunch of spies infiltrate our basement suite, we will simply tap the morse code on the walls of each other’s bedrooms to warn one another. Or if one of us is in jail and the rest of us visit but we’re being videotaped and we can’t say anything that will give our secret jailbreak plans away, we will engage in small talk while tapping our real message in morse code on our arms, like Sydney Bristow. Brilliant. I’m up to 8 letters. (It’s actually really fun, and I think it’s improving my concentration skills! Watch me concentrate now.)
Well, Kate tagged me and now I have to write six weird things about me (man, I wished I’d saved the morse code thing…).
Here are the rules:
Each player of this game starts with the 'six weird things about me' blog post. People who get tagged need to write their own six weird things post and state the rules clearly. At the end of the post, tag six more people and don’t forget to leave a comment on their blog to tell them they have been tagged and tell them to read your blog.
- When I was biking to school in the Saskatoon winter, I made wristwarmers for myself out of the elastic-y parts of old socks. I still wear them whenever I’m cold.
- One of my eyes sees things in a more bluish tone, and the other one sees things in a more pinkish tone. I assumed everyone’s eyes were like this until I asked my optometrist what caused this fact of life, and she said, “Huh?”
- I am generally afraid of garden gnomes and mannequins (I believe I developed the latter fear on childhood trips to the Western Development Museum in Saskatoon).
- I hold my pencil all wrong. This has been a huge area of emotional bondage for me, ever since several elementary school teachers tried to put triangular rubber things on my pencils to “correct” my grip. Just this Christmas, Abbey (another teacher) informed me that my grip was one of the three “acceptable” or “functional” grips according to teachers today, and brought much healing into my life.
- I have blond hair under my red hair, yet I have never dyed my hair. And I have one dimple. But you probably knew that.
- I really like this picture I took, even though it's of a dead seagull. I'm not sure why. It makes me think existential thoughts and reminds me of Romeo and Juliet, or some other great tragedy. Now that's weird.
Ok. I tag Christine, Rachel, Tall Jordan, Rochelle, Evan and Andrea. Go to it!
I also see more blue with one eye and more pink with the other.
I, similarly, assumed that it was a common trend.
Alas, everyone thought I was nuts. I would spend whole car trips home (when I wasn't driving) winking back and forth between one eye and the other.
We're bizarre friends, now.
Alias? For serious? Now we have even more to talk about. I love that show! I am also looking forward to Alexa finding this out about you. Oh, the Rambaldi theorizing we can do!
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Don and Beth,
Yes indeed! I am very happy to find out that the love of Alias is continuing to grow! Just to be clear, there is only one real life "Mountaineer"; and that is me.
How I miss that show!
Don, I was just telling people about that painting you made for me, inspired by the Rambaldi manuscript. They thought it was a bit creepy to give me a painting based off a manuscript about a woman who brings destruction to the world. But I thought the gesture was touching. They just don't understand the Alias world.
Now you, Beth, and your roommates, are starting to understand. Morse code is an excellent start to your career as a spy.
Keep it up. Morse Code needs all the help it can get. In my 5 years as a sig I met some people who could tap a word a second. Or so they claimed, since I never learned I couldn't personally confirm it.
whatever beth, you LOVE sunrises - two pictures in a week! you can't tell me different.
Beth! I was just recently telling someone about "a girl i know who holds her pencil in a fist"
I love that about you. And every once in awhile i will hole my pencil like that to write in my journal. just for something new.
when we were little I used to try to hold my pencil like you because your writing was neater than mine and I thought it might help, it didn't, but I still think it's cool.
I love Wendell Barry. "I work to renew a ruined place, that no life be hostage to my comfort."
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